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Angie Digital

practical online education for

Digital Marketing

The only state-recognized and most importantly the ONLY ONE THAT GOES LIVE!

What will we learn in this education?

ALL! From the basics of creating visuals in Canva and other photo and video editors, the psychology of colors and fonts, building a brand, through creating websites in WordPress with the DIVI theme, optimization and adaptation to all devices, all the way to running digital marketing campaigns that produce results!

Duration of education

12 live online practical lectures of 90 minutes each (3 months in total)


bonus lectures and webinars


If you follow live lectures, you can already ask questions and get answers during the class. If you watch the recordings later, the closed Facebook group is always at your disposal.

Taking an exam

Digital literacy final exam

Digital Marketing

What will we learn?

ONLINE education for Digital Marketing?


Experiences of trainees

Before any investment, the most important thing is to read the experiences of previous users, customers, or in this case, participants of my digital marketing education. For more experiences click on the link below.

In short

Lecture topics

Psychology of colors

Have you ever wondered why some advertisements make you immediately want to buy a product? Colors are to blame for everything, that is, their combinations. Learn to use colors in the right way and attract the attention of the viewer.

Typography and proper selection of fonts

The point of advertising and posting on the Internet is to convey the message in the right way. A good choice of fonts is what will make the message understandable. You will see which fonts are an excellent choice, but also which fonts to bypass in a broad arc.

  digital marketing


We will design a logo, create visuals for posts on Facebook and Instagram, stories, website and much more. If Photoshop was easier to work with, it would be called Canva!

WordPress + DIVI

A business without a website is as if it does not exist. We learn to work in the most popular platform for designing websites while DIVI will give our websites that alluring glow that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Content optimization

Different screen sizes require different settings, which is why optimization for mobile phones is an integral part of education. On the other hand, SEO optimization will help us get to the first page of Google!

  digital marketing

Facebook / Instagram

Remember one thing: With the right image on social networks, the success of your business is guaranteed! How to create and set up profiles, when to publish content, in what way, are only part of the lecture.

YouTube Digital Marketing


You must have noticed advertisements while watching some of your favorite videos on YouTube. I will show you how your business can be found on such an advertisement and attract the attention of future buyers of your products or services.

  digital marketing

Digital advertising campaigns

An old saying goes: The best product in the world is useless if no one knows about it! Boosting posts can be done by anyone, but starting an advertising campaign and tracking its performance – it takes more! We will also learn how to analyze the effects of campaigns and to use that data for improvement and better results of paid advertisements.

Google Digital Marketing


All searches start on Google. Learn how to advertise on this platform, how to optimize your campaigns and get the most for your money.

LinkedIn Digital Marketing


If your products or services are intended for businesses and legal entities – LinkedIn advertising will allow you to reach that audience in the easiest way. We will create a profile, a business page, analyze the available advertising methods and launch an advertising campaign.

Price of ONLINE LIVE education

Choose a model to your liking!

We do not all have the same needs or goals. Accordingly, I have adapted digital marketing training models that will suit everyone. Read what each of them includes and choose the one that suits you.

Are you interested in what a lecture looks like? Watch our promo class for free – CLICK HERE.

12 practical online lectures
Canva WorkClass
Live workclass with lecturer
Verification of weekly tasks
WordPress practise account
Bonus webinars
Final exam + Valid certificate
Recommendation to future employer
Option to work in Angie Digital team
Hosting discount
All other educations
Private FB group
20.000 rsd (171e)
Instalments: 23.000rsd
(2x 8.000 + 7.000)
197e (2x66e + 65e)
One year for free
17 webinars
(Total value of 460 euros!)
*37.000 rsd (316e)
*45.000rsd (3x15.000) for monthly instalments
385e (130e + 130e + 125e)
4 private, 1-on-1
Direct work with lecturers
One year for free
17 webinars
(Total value of 460 euros!)

*Participants of the promo class receive a PROMO CODE with which the PLATINUM education price is reduced by 40% and amounts to 22,000 dinars (188 euros) or 25,000 dinars (8,500 + 8,500 + 8,000)!

And there is ADVANCED education for digital marketing, which is an excellent follow-up to these lectures, where we also learn:

  • Advanced Facebook advertising
  • Advanced Instagram advertising
  • LinkedIn advertising
  • Google Analytics
  • Advanced SEO
  • Acceleration, optimization, site indexing

The lectures are OnDemand , which means that you can get access to the lectures at any time, after previous registration. For participants of our standard education, the PRICE with a discount is 8,500 dinars (75 euros), while the standard price is 17,000 dinars (145 euros).

…And you can also watch the current promo class

Click below on “PLAY” and immediately familiarize yourself with the principle of education

Find out

Why is this online digital marketing education different from others on the market?

+ 100% practical and interactive education (no theory) intended for absolute beginners as well as those who want to improve their knowledge and raise it to an even higher level.

+ Every class is live online which means you get the latest and most relevant information in the field of digital marketing. You’re not looking at old footage that was only current at the time of filming, things in this field change day by day.

+ Each lesson is also recorded, which gives you the opportunity to watch when you want and as many times as you want in the next 14 months from the time you enrolled in the Angie Digital Team education.

+ If you watch the lectures afterwards, you won’t miss anything because you have the full support of the Angie Digital team. The lecturer is at your disposal for all questions and consultations.

+ Whichever model of education you choose, you get access to a closed Facebook group where all interaction and all consultations regarding education take place.

+ The weekly projects are there so that you can immediately apply your knowledge practically with your own examples. This education is not based on fictitious but real and personal examples.

+ Access to seminars and webinars that will help you progress more easily and get jobs if you want to work as a freelancer (online).

+ During the education, we go through the process of starting or improving your business together if you are an entrepreneur or want to become one.

+ At no additional cost, you get a WordPress working version of the site on which you will build your website from scratch in the most modern Divi theme, whose license you get for one year .

+ The concept is such that after education, you would become independent and start immediately with new jobs or as an entrepreneur, whatever type of business you want to start or improve.

+ Help for all those who want to work for others – whether in a company or online, how to create a CV, how to talk at a job interview and get a job, how to become a virtual assistant, community manager, etc.


They asked before you

Among the questions that I receive from you every day, some stood out and are repeated again and again. That’s why I decided to save you time and help you get to the answer faster. These are some of the most frequently asked questions.

+ Do I need prior knowledge?

No prior knowledge or experience is required to follow my training. I adapted the lectures to both beginners and students who already have certain knowledge in the field of digital marketing. We start from the basics and step by step we go through all aspects of digital marketing together.

+ Do I watch old recorded lectures?

YOU ALWAYS GET THE MOST CURRENT KNOWLEDGE! OUR LECTURES ARE LIVE from the online classroom, but they are also RECORDED, so if you miss a live lecture for your personal reasons (shift work, training, parental leave, cold, annual vacation, etc.) or you want to renew the material from the class (watch at the time when you are free).

+ Do I need English language skills?

Knowledge of the English language is not necessary for this online education. All terms will be translated into your native language, while Facebook, Instagram, Google, WordPress can be switched to the language of your choice (it doesn’t have to be in English).

+ Will there be recordings if I miss the live lecture?

If you will not be able to follow the LIVE lecture at the agreed time, don’t worry, I thought about that too. Each lecture will be recorded, so you can watch it again, whenever you want, countless times. An excellent solution also in case you forgot something and want to remind yourself or you want to follow the lecture while doing your homework.

+ What after the completed education? How to get to work?

The experiences of our students in the last 5 years are that they either get a job in a domestic / foreign company or start / improve their own business. SAND WITH A CERTIFIED DIGITAL MARKETING EXPERT DIPLOMA (when you pass the final exam) MANY DOORS IN THIS FIELD WILL CERTAINLY BE OPEN FOR YOU! To the participants of the PLATINUM and VIP PLATINUM education models, I issue a personal recommendation for employment in a company.

Another popular option is to work ONLINE as a Freelancer through platforms like Fiverr, Upwork…

+ Do I need any additional equipment for education?

Absolutely no. For online digital marketing education, you need internet from the device from which you would follow – computer, laptop, phone or tablet. No additional equipment or software installation required. Everything is done via the Internet (browser), which means that if your computer can play a video from YouTube, it will be enough to work on the lectures.


They asked before you

Among the questions that I receive from you every day, some stood out and are repeated again and again. That’s why I decided to save you time and help you get to the answer faster. These are some of the most frequently asked questions.